Maszyna do znakowania laserowego z lokalizacją wizualną

Maszyna do znakowania laserowego z lokalizacją wizualną CCD

Maszyna do znakowania laserowego z lokalizacją wizualną

Maszyna do Znaczenia Pozycji Wizualnej, znana również jako CCD Laserowa Maszyna do Znaczeń

Oferuje wysoką precyzję i zautomatyzowane znaczenie, bez potrzeby stosowania uchwytów.

Inteligentne Pozycjonowanie CCD – Automatycznie wykrywa pozycję i kąt elementu, zapewniając idealne wyrównanie.
Ultra-precyzyjność 0,01 mm – Idealna do oznaczania małych, nieregularnych i wysokoszczegółowych części.
Opłacalność i Efektywność Czasowa – Eliminacja uchwytów, co obniża koszty i zwiększa wydajność.

Idealna dla branż, które potrzebują szybkiego, precyzyjnego i zautomatyzowanego oznaczania małych lub nieregularnych części.

Zdjęcie maszyny do znakowania laserowego z wizualną lokalizacją CCD

Zrewolucjonizuj swój proces znakowania z maszyną do znakowania laserowego z wizualną pozycjonowaniem CCD

Masz dość ręcznego pozycjonowania, drogich uchwytów i nieregularnych wyników? Maszyna do znakowania laserowego z wizualnym pozycjonowaniem CCD to zmiana gry, której potrzebujesz! Dzięki inteligentnemu systemowi CCD, automatycznie wykrywa i dostosowuje kształt, rozmiar oraz kąt każdej części—dostarczając nieskazitelne i ultra-precyzyjne znakowanie laserowe za każdym razem.

🚀 Dlaczego warto wybrać maszynę do znakowania laserowego z wizualnym pozycjonowaniem CCD?

🔥 Koniec z uchwytami!
Zapomnij o kosztownych uchwytach i mocowaniach. W przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnych maszyn laserowych, które wymagają ręcznego ustawiania części, system kamery CCD natychmiast lokalizuje każdy element, eliminując kłopoty z przygotowaniem i oszczędzając czas oraz pieniądze.

🎯 Precyzja jak nigdy dotąd – dokładność 0,01 mm!
Tradycyjne maszyny polegają na ręcznym ustawieniu, co prowadzi do błędów i marnowania materiałów. Maszyna do znakowania laserowego z wizualnym pozycjonowaniem CCD zapewnia dokładność na poziomie 0,01 mm—idealna do małych, skomplikowanych lub dużych partii.

Szybsza produkcja, większe zyski
Podczas gdy tradycyjne maszyny wymagają ręcznych regulacji dla każdego elementu, system CCD działa błyskawicznie—znakując nieregularne, złożone, a nawet nakładające się części bez najmniejszego opóźnienia. To oznacza wyższą wydajność, szybszy czas realizacji i większe przychody dla Twojej firmy!

💎 Idealna do małych i nieregularnych części
Idealna do jubilerstwa, elektroniki, narzędzi medycznych, części samochodowych i precyzyjnych komponentów, ta maszyna radzi sobie tam, gdzie inne zawiodły—obsługując maleńkie, nierówne lub zmienne kształty bez błędów w pozycjonowaniu.

🔄 Inteligentna automatyzacja = niższe koszty pracy
Nie potrzebujesz wysoko wykwalifikowanych operatorów! System CCD wykonuje całą pracę, redukując koszty pracy i minimalizując błędy ludzkie. Wystarczy umieścić części na obszarze roboczym, a maszyna zrobi resztę!

Przejdź na przyszłość znakowania laserowego!

Porzuć stare, czasochłonne metody i przejdź na maszynę do znakowania laserowego z wizualnym pozycjonowaniem CCD—gdzie prędkość, precyzja i automatyzacja wyniosą Twoją firmę na wyższy poziom.

👉 Skontaktuj się z nami już dziś, aby zobaczyć, jak ta nowoczesna technologia może zmienić Twoją produkcję!

CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine – Specyfikacje Techniczne

Typ LaseraLaser włókna (Raycus/JPT)
Opcje Mocy Lasera20W / 30W / 50W / 60W / 80W / 100W
Długość Fali Lasera1064nm
Obszar Znakowania110×110mm / 150×150mm / 175×175mm / 200×200mm (Możliwość dostosowania)
System Wizji CCDWysokiej precyzji kamera przemysłowa
Dokładność Pozycjonowania±0.01mm
Prędkość Znakowania≤7000mm/s
Minimalna Szerokość Linii0.01mm
Minimalny Rozmiar Znaku0.15mm
Dokładność Powtórzeń±0.002mm
Metoda ChłodzeniaChłodzenie powietrzem
Żywotność Lasera≥100,000 godzin
Obsługiwane FormatyPLT, DXF, AI, BMP, JPG, PNG, SVG itd.
Kompatybilne OprogramowanieEZCAD 2.0 / 3.0
ZasilanieAC110V/220V ±10%, 50/60Hz
Wymiary MaszynyZależy od modelu
WagaZależy od modelu

Zastosowania CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine – Wysokiej Precyzji Znakowanie dla Każdej Branży

CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine rewolucjonizuje sposób, w jaki przemysł podchodzi do znakowania laserowego o wysokiej precyzji. Wyposażona w inteligentny system wizji CCD, zapewnia płynne i dokładne znakowanie nawet na najbardziej nieregularnych i małych częściach – niezbędne narzędzie dla firm z branży jubilerskiej, elektronicznej, urządzeń medycznych, motoryzacyjnej oraz precyzyjnego inżynierstwa.

💎 Branża Jubilerska – Precyzyjne Grawerowanie i Cięcie

W branży jubilerskiej CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine doskonale sprawdza się w dostarczaniu precyzyjnych, szczegółowych oznaczeń z niezrównaną dokładnością i prędkością. 🔹 Złota i Srebrna Biżuteria – Łatwe grawerowanie imion, logo i indywidualnych wzorów na pierścionkach, naszyjnikach i wisiorkach.
🔹 Hallmarking i Znaki Jakościowe – Aplikacja znaków regulacyjnych oraz logo marek z doskonałą precyzją.
🔹 Mikro-grawerowanie – Grawerowanie szczegółowych wzorów, numerów seryjnych i spersonalizowanych wiadomości na małych elementach biżuterii.

Dlaczego idealne dla jubilerów? System wizji CCD eliminuje ręczne dostosowanie, zapewniając nieskazitelne wyniki za każdym razem.

🔩 Elektronika i Półprzewodniki – Szybkie i Precyzyjne Znakowanie Komponentów

W przemyśle elektronicznym precyzja jest kluczowa, a CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine doskonale wykonuje to zadanie. 🔹 PCB i Płyty Obwodów – Znakowanie kodów QR, numerów seryjnych i etykiet komponentów z ultra-precyzyjnością.
🔹 Mikrochipy i IC – Idealne do małych, skomplikowanych komponentów, zapewniając wyraźną identyfikację na mikroskalowych powierzchniach.
🔹 Obudowy i Komponenty – Znakowanie znaków towarowych, numerów partii oraz danych do śledzenia na produktach elektronicznych.

Dlaczego wybrać? System CCD zapewnia szybkie, zautomatyzowane znakowanie bez kosztownych przyrządów montażowych lub pracy ręcznej, przyspieszając produkcję.

🏥 Urządzenia Medyczne – Sterylne, Trwałe Znakowanie

W przemyśle medycznym precyzyjne, trwałe znakowanie narzędzi chirurgicznych i urządzeń jest niezbędne. 🔹 Narzędzia Chirurgiczne – Grawerowanie numerów seryjnych, znaków bezpieczeństwa i logo marki na skalpelach, kleszczach i innych.
🔹 Implanty i Protezy – Grawerowanie identyfikatorów implantów, numerów seryjnych i kodów UDI na tytanie i stali nierdzewnej.
🔹 Etykiety Urządzeń Medycznych – Trwałe znakowanie kodów UDI, numerów partii i dat produkcji na urządzeniach.

Dlaczego idealne? Trwałe, niewypłowiałe oznaczenia laserowe zapewniają sterylność, bezpieczeństwo i możliwość śledzenia instrumentów medycznych.

🚗 Motoryzacja i Lotnictwo – Niezawodne Śledzenie Krytycznych Komponentów

W przemyśle motoryzacyjnym i lotniczym CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine jest niezastąpionym narzędziem w znakowaniu krytycznych części. 🔹 Komponenty Silnika – Znakowanie numerów VIN, numerów seryjnych i danych produkcyjnych z wyjątkową precyzją.
🔹 Części Metalowe i Narzędzia – Aplikacja znaków zgodności, kodów kreskowych i numerów części na komponentach motoryzacyjnych pod dużym stresem.
🔹 Etykiety Bezpieczeństwa i Zgodności – Grawerowanie symboli ostrzegawczych i znaków regulacyjnych na częściach.

Dlaczego to przełom? System wizji umożliwia szybkie, bezbłędne pozycjonowanie, nawet na najmniejszych komponentach, poprawiając śledzenie i bezpieczeństwo.

Narzędzia i Precyzyjne Części – Znakowanie do Ciężkich Zastosowań

Od narzędzi przemysłowych po komponenty hardware, CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine zapewnia szybkie, trwałe znakowanie dla firm potrzebujących wysokiej jakości, trwałych oznaczeń. 🔹 Narzędzia Tnące i Ostrza – Idealne do grawerowania numerów części i znaków producenta na nożach i ostrzach.
🔹 Złączki Przemysłowe – Znakowanie numerów partii, oznaczeń tolerancji i etykiet zgodności na nakrętkach, śrubach i podkładkach.
🔹 Tabliczki Maszynowe – Trwałe znakowanie metalowych tabliczek znamionowych i instrukcji bezpieczeństwa.

Dlaczego idealne dla narzędzi? System wizji CCD gwarantuje, że Twoje oznaczenia zawsze znajdują się w odpowiednim miejscu, niezależnie od złożoności.

💡 Dlaczego Wybrać CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine?

Brak kosztownych przyrządów montażowych – oszczędność na kosztach pracy i skrócenie czasu ustawienia.
Niezrównana precyzja – do ultra-małych, nieregularnych lub skomplikowanych części, z dokładnością do 0.01mm.
Szybsza produkcja, wyższe zyski – idealne dla branż o dużych ilościach części.
Wszechstronność – idealne do znakowania na szerokiej gamie materiałów, takich jak metal, tworzywa sztuczne i powierzchnie pokryte powłokami.

CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine to ostateczne rozwiązanie dla branż, które wymagają precyzji, wydajności i automatyzacji.

📩 Skontaktuj się z nami teraz, aby dowiedzieć się, jak CCD Visual Position Laser Marking Machine może zrewolucjonizować Twój proces znakowania i pomóc Twojej firmie odnieść sukces!

Dlaczego Potrzebujesz Maszyny CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine – Rewolucja dla Twojej Firmy!

Masz dość błędów produkcyjnych? Marnowania czasu na ręczne dostosowania? A może zmagasz się z nierówną jakością produktów? CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine jest tutaj, aby zmienić zasady gry. To potężne urządzenie technologiczne to dokładnie to, czego Twoja firma potrzebuje, aby podnieść efektywność, zwiększyć wydajność i maksymalizować zyski.

1. Precyzja, Jakiej Nigdy Przedtem Nie Widziałaś/łeś

Wyobraź sobie, że Twój system znakowania laserowego ustawia się i skupia z absolutną precyzją – za każdym razem. Koniec z marnowaniem czasu. Koniec z błędami. CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine wykorzystuje najnowszą technologię wizji do uchwycenia obrazów w czasie rzeczywistym Twoich obrabianych elementów. Oznacza to, że niezależnie od tego, czy znakujesz skomplikowane wzory, kody kreskowe czy numery seryjne, laser trafia dokładnie tam, gdzie powinien, za każdym razem.

Ta niezrównana dokładność eliminuje błędy i zapewnia Ci spokój, wiedząc, że Twoje produkty zawsze spełniają najwyższe standardy.

2. Oszczędność Czasu, Oszczędność Pieniędzy: Zwiększ Swoją Produktywność

Czas to pieniądz, a CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine jest zaprojektowana z myślą o oszczędzaniu obu. Dzięki zautomatyzowanemu systemowi wyrównywania, nie musisz marnować godzin na ręczne ustawienie czy dostosowania. Maszyna automatycznie wykrywa dokładną pozycję każdego elementu i dostosowuje laser, aby uzyskać optymalne wyniki.

Efekt? Szybsze ustawienie, krótsze cykle produkcyjne i możliwość realizacji większej liczby zamówień w krótszym czasie. Wyobraź sobie, że Twoje produkty wychodzą z fabryki szybciej, zwiększając wydajność i znacząco podnosząc przychody.

3. Wszechstronność dla Każdej Pracy, Każdego Materiału

Niezależnie od tego, czy znakujesz metal, plastik, szkło, czy inne materiały, ta maszyna poradzi sobie ze wszystkim. System CCD wizji automatycznie dostosowuje się do różnych kształtów, rozmiarów i powierzchni, dzięki czemu jest idealna do każdego projektu, który jej zlecisz. Nie musisz kupować wielu maszyn do różnych materiałów czy produktów.

Dzięki CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine możesz płynnie przechodzić między projektami, nie rezygnując z jakości. To rodzaj wszechstronności, która oszczędza czas, pieniądze i zasoby.

4. Eliminuje Błędy – Spójność, Na Którą Możesz Liczyć

Najlepsze w tym? CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine jest zaprojektowana tak, aby praktycznie wyeliminować błąd ludzki. Zapomnij o frustrujących, źle ustawionych znakach lub błędach, które kosztują Cię czas i pieniądze. Ta maszyna zapewnia doskonałą spójność za każdym razem.

Dzięki systemowi informacji zwrotnej w czasie rzeczywistym, jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak, maszyna natychmiast to wykryje i wprowadzi korektę. To oznacza koniec kosztownych poprawek lub zwrotów. Dostarczasz wysokiej jakości produkty za każdym razem.

5. Zwiększ Swój ROI Dzięki Jednej Maszynie

To nie tylko inwestycja w nową technologię – to inwestycja w Twoje wyniki finansowe. Dzięki niskim kosztom utrzymania, wysokiej prędkości i niezrównanej niezawodności, CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine szybko się zwróci.

Mniej błędów, szybsza produkcja i lepsza jakość produktów oznaczają wyższe zyski. Pomyśl o tym: mniej zasobów przeznaczonych na poprawki, mniej odpadów i więcej produktów wysyłanych do klientów – wszystko to prowadzi do większego zadowolenia klientów i powtarzalnych zamówień.

6. Narzędzie, Które Rośnie Razem z Twoją Firmą

Bez względu na to, czy jesteś małą firmą dopiero zaczynającą działalność, czy dużym przedsiębiorstwem z potrzebami o wysokiej wydajności, ta maszyna dostosowuje się do każdej skali działalności. Jest zaprojektowana tak, aby rozwijać się razem z Tobą, obsługując wszystko – od małych, indywidualnych zamówień po produkcję na dużą skalę.

To inwestycja przyszłościowa, która zapewnia Ci przewagę konkurencyjną, wydajność i rentowność przez wiele lat.

Dlaczego Czekać? Podnieś Poziom Swojej Firmy z CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine Już Dziś!

CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine to nie tylko narzędzie – to rozwiązanie dla Twoich problemów produkcyjnych. Szybsza, dokładniejsza i bardziej wydajna niż jakiekolwiek inne urządzenie na rynku, zmieni sposób, w jaki pracujesz.

Zrób krok teraz! Nie pozwól, by Twoi konkurenci wyprzedzili Cię, trzymając się przestarzałego sprzętu. Zainwestuj dziś i doświadcz prędkości, precyzji i wszechstronności, które pozwolą Twojej firmie wzbić się na wyżyny.

Gotowy na różnicę? [Zamów swoją maszynę CCD Visual Laser Marking Machine teraz!]

Najczęściej Zadawane Pytania (FAQ) – Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking

1️⃣ Co to jest Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking? Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking wykorzystuje system kamery CCD do precyzyjnego ustawiania i wyrównywania lasera na powierzchni materiału. Łączy technologię znakowania laserowego z wizualnym rozpoznawaniem, zapewniając wysoką precyzję przy znakowaniu skomplikowanych lub nieregularnie ukształtowanych obiektów. System automatycznie dostosowuje pozycję lasera na podstawie informacji zwrotnej z kamery, co czyni ją idealnym rozwiązaniem do zadań wymagających wysokiej precyzji, takich jak znakowanie komponentów, grawerowanie numerów seryjnych czy pozycjonowanie logo.

2️⃣ W jaki sposób kamera CCD wspomaga znakowanie laserowe? Kamera CCD w maszynie dostarcza informacji zwrotnej w czasie rzeczywistym, co pozwala systemowi dokładnie wykryć i wyrównać materiał oraz projekt do oznaczenia. Umożliwia to precyzyjne umiejscowienie lasera na skomplikowanych lub nierównych powierzchniach, wykrywając punkty odniesienia i kontury obiektów. Dzięki temu każdy znak jest perfekcyjnie umiejscowiony, nawet na nieregularnych lub trudnych do wyrównania częściach.

3️⃣ Jakie są kluczowe korzyści z używania maszyny CCD Visual Position Laser Marking?

  • Wysoka Precyzja: Kamera CCD zapewnia dokładne ustawienie lasera, nawet w przypadku małych lub nieregularnie ukształtowanych przedmiotów.
  • Automatyczne Wyrównanie: Maszyna automatycznie dostosowuje pozycję lasera, eliminując ręczne ustawienia i zmniejszając błędy ludzkie.
  • Zwiększona Wydajność: Dzięki systemowi wizji maszyna może szybko znakować różne kształty i rozmiary, poprawiając produktywność.
  • Wszechstronność: Może znakować na różnych materiałach, takich jak metal, plastik, szkło i ceramika, oferując szeroki zakres zastosowań.
  • Zmniejszony Czas Przestoju: Automatyczne wyrównanie skraca czas ustawień, co czyni maszynę idealną do produkcji o dużej wydajności.

4️⃣ Jakie materiały może obsługiwać Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking? Maszyna ta jest zdolna do znakowania szerokiej gamy materiałów, w tym:

  • Metale (stal, aluminium, miedź itd.)
  • Tworzywa sztuczne (ABS, PVC itd.)
  • Ceramika
  • Szkło
  • Skóra
  • Drewno
  • Guma

Jest idealna dla branż takich jak elektronika, motoryzacja, urządzenia medyczne, pakowanie i produkty konsumpcyjne, które wymagają precyzyjnego znakowania na różnych materiałach.

5️⃣ Czy Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking obsługuje skomplikowane projekty? Tak, maszyna doskonale radzi sobie ze skomplikowanymi projektami, w tym szczegółowymi logo, numerami seryjnymi, kodami kreskowymi, kodami QR, a nawet wzorami 3D. System kamery CCD zapewnia, że nawet skomplikowane lub niestandardowe projekty są precyzyjnie wyrównane, gwarantując wysoką jakość wyników bez konieczności ręcznych poprawek.

6️⃣ Jaka jest powierzchnia znakowania Maszyny CCD Visual Position Laser Marking? Powierzchnia znakowania zwykle wynosi od 50 mm x 50 mm do 300 mm x 300 mm, w zależności od modelu maszyny. Niektóre modele oferują również opcjonalnie większe powierzchnie znakowania dla aplikacji wymagających bardziej rozbudowanego znakowania na dużych częściach.

7️⃣ Jak system radzi sobie z różnymi rozmiarami i kształtami materiałów? Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking została zaprojektowana do pracy z nieregularnymi lub nierównymi materiałami. Dzięki systemowi kamery maszyna automatycznie dostosowuje pozycję lasera, zapewniając precyzyjne znakowanie, niezależnie od kształtu lub orientacji materiału. Funkcja ta jest szczególnie przydatna przy znakowaniu powierzchni zakrzywionych, małych części lub obiektów o zmiennych wymiarach.

8️⃣ Czy obsługa maszyny jest łatwa? Tak, Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking wyposażona jest w przyjazne dla użytkownika oprogramowanie oraz intuicyjny interfejs. System automatycznie wykrywa i wyrównuje laser, co pozwala na szybkie ustawienie i obsługę. Oprogramowanie umożliwia również łatwe przesyłanie projektów, dokonywanie poprawek w czasie rzeczywistym oraz monitorowanie pozycji, co sprawia, że jest odpowiednia zarówno dla nowicjuszy, jak i doświadczonych użytkowników.

9️⃣ Jakie branże korzystają z Maszyny CCD Visual Position Laser Marking?

  • Elektronika: Znakowanie płytek PCB, układów scalonych i komponentów.
  • Motoryzacja: Grawerowanie numerów seryjnych, VIN i logo na częściach samochodowych.
  • Urządzenia Medyczne: Znakowanie narzędzi, implantów i sprzętu.
  • Produkty Konsumpcyjne: Personalizacja gadżetów, akcesoriów i narzędzi.
  • Pakowanie: Grawerowanie kodów kreskowych lub QR na opakowaniach plastikowych lub metalowych.
  • Jubilerstwo: Grawerowanie skomplikowanych wzorów na pierścionkach, wisiorkach i innych akcesoriach.

🔟 Jakie są wymagania dotyczące konserwacji Maszyny CCD Visual Position Laser Marking? Rutynowa konserwacja obejmuje:

  • Czyszczenie soczewek i luster, aby zapewnić optymalną wydajność lasera.
  • Sprawdzanie ustawienia kamery CCD i lasera w celu zapewnienia precyzji.
  • Utrzymanie systemu chłodzenia, aby zapobiec przegrzaniu.
  • Sprawdzanie zużycia komponentów, takich jak pasy i silniki.
  • Okresowe aktualizowanie oprogramowania w celu zapewnienia kompatybilności z najnowszymi projektami i funkcjami.

1️⃣1️⃣ Czy Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking może być zintegrowana z zautomatyzowanymi liniami produkcyjnymi? Tak, Maszyna CCD Visual Position Laser Marking może być zintegrowana z systemami zautomatyzowanymi, takimi jak taśmociągi, roboty czy linie montażowe. To sprawia, że jest idealna do środowisk produkcyjnych o wysokiej wydajności, gdzie precyzyjne znakowanie musi być wykonywane na elementach przesuwających się w linii produkcyjnej.

1️⃣2️⃣ Jaki jest przedział cenowy Maszyny CCD Visual Position Laser Marking? Cena Maszyny CCD Visual Position Laser Marking zależy od mocy lasera, powierzchni znakowania i dodatkowych funkcji. Zwykle przedział cenowy wynosi od 15 000 do 100 000 USD, w zależności od dostosowania i specyficznych wymagań dotyczących aplikacji. Ceny mogą również zależeć od wybranego oprogramowania oraz funkcji integracyjnych.

Film wideo maszyny do znakowania laserowego z wizualną lokalizacją CCD
Laser Marking Zipper
Laser Marking Electronic parts
Laser Marking Plastic
Laser Marking phone Charger

Zapytanie o wycenę maszyny do znakowania laserowego z wizualną lokalizacją CCD

SISMAR LASER oferuje maszyny z systemem CCD Visual Position Laser oraz inne rozwiązania dla wielu zastosowań przemysłowych. Nasze rozwiązania mogą służyć jako ulepszenie istniejącego systemu znakowania laserowego lub doskonały wybór na pierwszą maszynę laserową.

Złóż zapytanie o wycenę wysokiej jakości maszyny do znakowania zielonym laserem, która przekroczy Twoje oczekiwania. Możesz również umówić się na demo, aby zobaczyć, jak działa znakowanie zielonym laserem.

Witamy w SISMAR Laser. Z przyjemnością odpowiemy na wszelkie pytania dotyczące naszych maszyn do znakowania/cinania włóknami laserowymi.

Online-Flying Laser Marking Machine

Online-Flying Laser Marking Machine

Flying Laser Marking Machine: The Ultimate High-Speed Solution for Precise Marking

If you’re looking for a laser marking machine that can keep up with your high-speed production demands, the Flying Laser Marking Machine is exactly what you need. It’s not just any marking machine; it’s designed to deliver consistent, high-quality marks at breakneck speeds, all while ensuring your materials remain intact and your workflow stays efficient.

What makes it stand out? To start, the machine operates continuously, without interruptions. This means that whether you’re working with electronics, automotive parts, or packaging, this system can handle it all without missing a beat. The dynamic worktable adapts to various materials like metals, plastics, and more, giving you unparalleled versatility. Plus, the high-precision laser technology ensures that every mark is sharp, clear, and long-lasting.

Imagine this: faster production, better-quality marks, and fewer delays. It’s the efficiency that drives your profits and keeps you ahead of the competition. 🚀

Photos of the Flying Laser Marking Machine Online

Flying Laser Marking Machine: The Ultimate Solution for Fast and Precise Marking ✨

Are you looking for high-speed, precise marking that keeps your production moving without interruptions? The Flying Laser Marking Machine is the innovative technology you’ve been waiting for. This powerful machine is designed to mark various materials like metals, plastics, and composites with unmatched precision and speed, making it ideal for industries such as electronics, automotive, and packaging.

1️⃣. What is the Flying Laser Marking Machine? 🔍

The Flying Laser Marking Machine is a state-of-the-art laser system designed to continuously mark products as they pass through the production line. Unlike traditional laser machines that require stationary workpieces, this flying laser system works on a dynamic, moving target, making it the perfect choice for high-speed manufacturing.

2️⃣. Key Features and Benefits:

2.1 Continuous Operation Without Interruptions ⏩The Flying Laser Marking Machine keeps working at full speed, marking products in real time as they pass through the system. This continuous operation eliminates downtime, making it the ideal solution for high-speed production lines.
2.2 Dynamic and Flexible 🌍Whether you’re marking small, detailed components or large parts, the Flying Laser Marking Machine adapts to a variety of materials and sizes with its adjustable worktable and advanced laser head.
2.3 High-Precision Laser Marking 🎯Experience superior laser precision. From small serial numbers to detailed logos, the Flying Laser Marking Machine creates sharp, clear, long-lasting marks—perfect for products requiring high-definition engraving.
2.4 Durable and Resistant Marks 🌟The marks produced by the Flying Laser Marking Machine are wear-resistant, ensuring your markings won’t fade over time. This is ideal for products facing tough environmental conditions.
2.5 Increased Productivity 📈By using the Flying Laser Marking Machine, you can significantly boost your production output. Faster marking speeds mean more products are processed in less time, increasing overall efficiency and reducing operating costs.

3️⃣. Why Choose the Flying Laser Marking Machine? 🤔

In industries where both speed and precision are critical, the Flying Laser Marking Machine offers the best of both worlds. With its advanced technology, it helps you achieve flawless marks at higher speeds, all while keeping your production running smoothly.

Unlock Efficiency and Precision with the Flying Laser Marking Machine 🚀

If you’ve been searching for a high-speed, precise laser marking machine, the Flying Laser Marking Machine is exactly what you need. Whether you’re working in manufacturing, electronics, automotive, or even jewelry, this machine is designed to handle a variety of materials and deliver consistent, high-quality results.

But what exactly makes this machine stand out? 🤔

Let’s break down the key parameters and why they matter to you:

ParameterDescriptionWhy It’s Important
Laser Power20W, 30W, 50WDetermines the marking speed and depth. Higher power allows faster processing and marking of tougher materials.
Marking Area110mm x 110mm, 150mm x 150mmA larger marking area enables multiple items to be marked at once or larger parts, improving production flexibility.
Marking Speed7000 mm/sFaster marking speeds increase productivity, allowing you to produce more units per hour.
Laser TypeFiber LaserProvides high precision and can handle various materials (metals, plastics, ceramics) with minimal maintenance.
Resolution0.001mmOffers ultra-fine details, essential for sharp and clear marks like serial numbers or complex designs.
Cooling SystemAir-CooledPrevents overheating during prolonged use, ensuring consistent performance without additional cooling systems.
Beam Quality<1.5M²Ensures precision and clarity, producing high-quality, detailed marks.
Dimensions800mm x 600mm x 1150mmThe compact size makes it easy to integrate into existing setups while maintaining space efficiency.
WeightApproximately 70kgA heavier machine offers stability during operation, reducing vibrations for consistent results.
Voltage220V ±10%The standard voltage requirement ensures seamless integration with most existing electrical installations.



The Advantages of the Flying Laser Marking Machine 🚀

If you’re looking to increase efficiency and precision in your manufacturing process, the Flying Laser Marking Machine could be the game-changer you need. Here’s why you should consider it:

#AdvantageDescriptionExample Case
1Lightning Speed ⚡The Flying Laser Marking Machine operates at maximum speed, providing continuous real-time marking, keeping your production line moving without delays.A major automotive manufacturer used the machine to mark VIN numbers on car parts as they moved down the production line, meeting tight deadlines without sacrificing quality.
2Unmatched Precision 🎯Offers pinpoint precision, ensuring sharp, clean, and consistent marks. Ideal for a variety of materials like metals, plastics, and more.A jewelry manufacturer engraved detailed logos on rings and bracelets, maintaining craftsmanship without compromising the surface of the piece.
3No Contact, No Issues 🚫Contactless marking process means no risk of damaging delicate surfaces, achieving durable results without physically touching the material.An electronics company marked serial numbers on delicate circuit boards without risking damage to sensitive components.
4Low Maintenance, High Efficiency ⚙️Requires minimal maintenance with no ink or chemical consumables, offering more uptime and fewer repairs.A medical device manufacturer saw a decrease in maintenance costs and increased production efficiency by using the machine for high-precision components.
5Perfect Integration with Automation 🔄Seamlessly integrates with automated production lines, reducing manual intervention and ensuring smooth operation.A packaging company integrated the machine into its automated line to mark expiration dates on food products, increasing productivity without interrupting the packaging process.
6Environmentally Friendly 🌍Operates cleanly without leaving waste, making it an eco-friendly solution for companies aiming to reduce their environmental footprint.A sustainable fashion brand used the machine to engrave custom designs on eco-friendly clothing, eliminating chemical-based dyes while enhancing product appeal.

Applications of the Flying Laser Marking Machine 🚀

The versatility of the Flying Laser Marking Machine makes it a highly demanded solution across various industries. Whether you’re working with complex materials or need high-speed, high-quality markings, this technology can significantly improve production efficiency and product quality. Here are some key applications:

Serial NumberIndustryKey ApplicationWhy It WorksExample Case
1Automotive Industry 🚗Marking Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN), part numbers, and logos.Automotive parts need to be marked quickly and accurately to meet regulatory requirements. The flying laser marking machine allows continuous marking on moving parts like engine blocks, tires, and electrical components without interrupting the manufacturing process.A major car manufacturer used the system to mark VIN numbers on various parts during assembly. The flying laser technology ensured the marks were clear, precise, and durable, even in high-speed production environments.
2Electronics and Semiconductors Industry 💻Marking serial numbers, QR codes, and product logos on circuit boards, chips, and other delicate components.The precision of the flying laser ensures even the smallest parts can be marked without causing damage. It is ideal for marking materials like PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards), which are sensitive to mechanical pressure.A semiconductor company used the flying laser marking machine to engrave batch codes on microchips. The non-contact laser process ensured the chips weren’t damaged while maintaining clear, legible marks that met quality control standards.
3Medical Devices 🏥Marking serial numbers, barcodes, and regulatory symbols on surgical instruments, implants, and other medical equipment.In the medical sector, traceability and sterilization are crucial. The flying laser marking machine provides clean, durable, tamper-proof marks that are essential for compliance with regulations.A surgical instrument manufacturer adopted the flying laser marking system to engrave serial numbers on stainless steel tools. This ensured each tool could be traced throughout its lifecycle without compromising its integrity.
4Packaging and Food Industry 🍽️Marking expiration dates, batch numbers, and other product information on packaging materials, bottles, and containers.The flying laser marking system enables continuous, high-speed marking on packaging materials, ensuring that products are accurately labeled and ready for sale. It works on a variety of materials, including glass, plastic, and cardboard.A food packaging company used the flying laser marking machine to print expiration dates on containers at high speeds. The system’s accuracy and speed ensured there were no disruptions in the high-volume production line.
5Jewelry and Luxury Goods 💍Engraving logos, serial numbers, and intricate designs on rings, watches, and accessories.Laser marking offers the precision needed to engrave fine details on delicate items like jewelry. This contactless process ensures pieces remain intact while maintaining a high level of detail.A luxury jewelry brand used the flying laser marking machine to engrave unique codes and logos on their pieces. The result was high-quality, permanent, and aesthetically appealing marks, helping the brand fight counterfeiting.
6Aerospace Industry ✈️Marking serial numbers, part numbers, and critical safety data on metal and composite parts.Aerospace components often require precise and durable markings for identification and safety compliance. The flying laser marking machine ensures marks can withstand harsh conditions such as heat, humidity, and vibrations.An aerospace component supplier used the flying laser marking machine to engrave batch codes and part numbers on titanium components. The laser ensured each piece could be tracked during stringent safety inspections and regulations.
7Consumer Electronics 📱Marking logos, serial numbers, and product information on electronic devices and accessories.The flying laser marking machine can operate at high speeds, making it ideal for marking plastic or metal surfaces on products like smartphones, laptops, and headphones.A consumer electronics manufacturer used the flying laser marking system to engrave serial numbers on smartphones. This allowed easy tracking of each device during manufacturing and helped prevent counterfeit products from entering the market.
8Tools and Hardware Industry 🛠️Marking logos, model numbers, and batch information on tools, equipment, and hardware products.Tools and hardware products need clear, durable marks for identification and to provide essential data to users. The flying laser marking machine provides these marks without affecting the surface finish or functionality.A power tools manufacturer used the flying laser marking machine to engrave model numbers and safety instructions on metal components. The result was clear, permanent marks that remained intact even after prolonged use.

Summary: Flying laser marking machines are incredibly versatile and can be applied across a wide range of industries. Whether you’re in the automotive, electronics, medical devices, or luxury goods sectors, this technology helps you achieve high-speed, high-precision markings that enhance traceability, compliance, and brand identity. It’s the ideal solution for continuous, contactless, and eco-friendly marking. 🌿

Traditional Laser Marking Machine vs. Flying Laser Marking Machine ✨

When it comes to laser marking technology, two of the most popular options are the Traditional Laser Marking Machine and the Flying Laser Marking Machine. Both have their strengths, but they are aimed at different production needs. Let’s break down their key differences and understand when each is the best choice.

CriteriaTraditional Laser Marking MachineFlying Laser Marking Machine
Speed & EfficiencySlower operation with manual placement of parts. Lower output.Faster and continuous marking on moving parts. Higher output.
Precision & AccuracyHigh precision, but affected by manual placement of parts.Consistent precision even in continuous, high-speed operations.
Material CompatibilityCompatible with various materials (metals, plastics, ceramics).Works with a wide range of materials (metals, plastics, glass).
Automation & IntegrationManual positioning of parts. Semi-automated setup.Fully automated, integrates seamlessly into production lines.
Maintenance & DowntimeRequires more maintenance and manual interventions. Downtime between markings.Less maintenance with continuous marking and less downtime.
Space & FlexibilityRequires dedicated space for manual operations.Compact design, easily integrates into existing production lines.
Cost ConsiderationsLower initial cost but potentially higher operating costs due to slower speeds.Higher initial cost but cost-effective for high-volume operations.
Environmental ImpactMay use more consumables (inks/chemicals) depending on the process.Eco-friendly, no consumables, cleaner process.

1. Speed & Efficiency ⚡

  • Traditional Laser Marking Machine:
    A traditional laser marking machine operates in a fixed position, marking each piece individually as it is placed under the laser. This can be slower, especially in high-volume production environments, as each piece needs to be manually positioned and marked.

  • Flying Laser Marking Machine:
    The flying laser marking machine, on the other hand, works continuously on moving parts, typically integrated into automated production lines. It marks components in real-time as they move along a conveyor system, enabling much faster and more efficient marking, especially in high-speed production environments.

Winner: Flying Laser Marking Machine (for continuous, high-volume operations).

2. Precision & Accuracy 🎯

  • Traditional Laser Marking Machine:
    Traditional machines offer excellent precision and can mark intricate designs on a variety of materials. However, the precision may be affected by manual part placement and the setup process.

  • Flying Laser Marking Machine:
    The flying laser system is designed for continuous marking, ensuring that each part is marked with consistent precision. These machines are particularly good at marking very small or complex details without losing accuracy while the part moves along the conveyor.

Winner: Both offer high precision, but the Flying Laser Marking Machine excels in continuous, high-speed operations without sacrificing detail.

3. Material Compatibility 🛠️

  • Traditional Laser Marking Machine:
    Traditional systems are versatile and work well with a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and more. However, they may require adjustments for different materials depending on the specific setup.

  • Flying Laser Marking Machine:
    The flying laser marking machine is also highly adaptable and works effectively with multiple materials, including metals, plastics, and glass. It is often used in environments that require marking items in motion, such as the automotive or packaging industries.

Winner: Tie. Both are versatile, but the flying laser marking machine offers more flexibility in high-speed environments.

4. Automation & Integration 🔄

  • Traditional Laser Marking Machine:
    Traditional systems often require manual intervention, especially for part positioning and setup. While they can be integrated into semi-automated systems, they do not adapt as easily to fully automated production lines.

  • Flying Laser Marking Machine:
    A key advantage of flying laser marking machines is their ability to seamlessly integrate into automated production lines. This allows for automatic marking while parts move along conveyors or through robotic arms, minimizing manual intervention and increasing overall efficiency.

Winner: Flying Laser Marking Machine (ideal for fully automated high-volume production lines).

5. Maintenance & Downtime ⚙️

  • Traditional Laser Marking Machine:
    Traditional machines often have more moving parts that require regular maintenance, especially if part positioning is manual. Downtime between marking operations can also increase, affecting overall efficiency.

  • Flying Laser Marking Machine:
    Flying laser systems tend to have fewer moving parts and require less maintenance due to their simpler design. The continuous nature of the operation also minimizes downtime, helping keep production lines running smoothly.

Winner: Flying Laser Marking Machine (for reduced maintenance and continuous operation).

6. Space & Flexibility 🏠

  • Traditional Laser Marking Machine:
    Traditional machines tend to be larger and may require dedicated space for the operator to place parts and manage the system. The system can sometimes be limited by the physical constraints of the production environment.

  • Flying Laser Marking Machine:
    Flying laser marking machines are designed to be more compact and can easily fit into automated production lines. Since they mark moving parts, they save space and can be integrated into the production process flow without requiring additional space for manual handling.

Winner: Flying Laser Marking Machine (more compact and adaptable to automated environments).

7. Cost Considerations 💰

  • Traditional Laser Marking Machine:
    Traditional laser marking machines are typically less expensive upfront, as they have a simpler design and fewer integration requirements. However, operating costs may be higher in high-volume environments due to slower speeds and more manual involvement.

  • Flying Laser Marking Machine:
    Flying laser marking machines generally involve a higher initial investment, as they are designed for high-speed, automated environments. However, the return on investment can be significant due to increased productivity, lower labor costs, and less downtime in high-volume production lines.

Winner: Traditional Laser Marking Machine (for lower initial cost), but the Flying Laser Marking Machine can be more cost-effective in automated, high-volume operations.

8. Environmental Impact 🌱

  • Traditional Laser Marking Machine:
    Traditional systems often use more consumables, such as inks or chemicals, depending on the marking process. This can result in more waste and a higher environmental impact.

  • Flying Laser Marking Machine:
    Flying laser marking is a more eco-friendly option as it doesn’t require consumables, leaving no ink or chemical waste. The non-contact nature of the process also makes it cleaner.

Winner: Flying Laser Marking Machine (more eco-friendly, no consumables).


Traditional Laser Marking Machines are ideal for low-volume operations, offering reliable precision and versatility at a lower cost. They are perfect when manual part placement and slower, more precise marking are acceptable.

On the other hand, Flying Laser Marking Machines excel in high-speed, high-volume production environments where automation is a priority. They are faster, more efficient, and integrate seamlessly into automated lines, making them the best choice for industries like automotive, electronics, packaging, and more.

In conclusion, if you’re working with high throughput and need continuous, precise marking with minimal manual intervention, the Flying Laser Marking Machine is the clear choice. For smaller, more customized projects, the Traditional Laser Marking Machine might be the better option.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1️⃣ What is an Online Flying Laser Marking Machine?
An Online Flying Laser Marking Machine is a specialized laser marking system designed for continuous, high-speed marking on products that are moving along a production line. Unlike traditional stationary laser machines, this system uses a flying optic that marks items as they move, making it ideal for high-volume manufacturing processes in industries like packaging, automotive, electronics, and food & beverage.

2️⃣ How does the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine work?
This machine uses a laser beam directed by flying optics that move in sync with the conveyor or assembly line. As products pass through the marking area, the laser marks them in real-time. The system’s synchronization with the production line ensures that each product is precisely marked with barcodes, QR codes, serial numbers, or logos without slowing down the production speed.

3️⃣ What industries benefit from using an Online Flying Laser Marking Machine?
The Online Flying Laser Marking Machine is perfect for industries where products need to be marked quickly and consistently as they move along a production line, such as:

  • Packaging (marking logos, batch codes, or expiration dates)
  • Automotive (marking parts or serial numbers)
  • Electronics (engraving barcodes, model numbers, or logos)
  • Food & Beverage (marking packaging with production or expiration dates)
  • Pharmaceutical (marking medicine bottles with barcodes and identification codes)

4️⃣ What materials can be marked with the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine?
This machine can mark a wide variety of materials, including:

  • Metals (steel, aluminum, etc.)
  • Plastics
  • Cardboard & Paper
  • Glass
  • Wood
  • Textiles
  • Rubber

It is ideal for a wide range of manufacturing processes where consistent, high-speed marking is required.

5️⃣ What makes the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine different from traditional laser marking systems?
The main difference is that the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine is designed to operate on products that are constantly moving through a production line, whereas traditional laser systems require products to be stationary during the marking process. This machine is perfect for high-throughput environments, where production speed and efficiency are critical. It also integrates easily with automated systems for seamless operation.

6️⃣ What are the benefits of using an Online Flying Laser Marking Machine?

  • High-speed marking on moving products, keeping up with fast production lines.
  • Non-contact marking, ensuring the product isn’t damaged during the process.
  • High precision and consistency, even on complex shapes and materials.
  • Minimal maintenance and low operating costs, reducing downtime and improving ROI.
  • Customizable markings, including barcodes, QR codes, serial numbers, and logos.

7️⃣ Is the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine easy to integrate into an existing production line?
Yes, this machine is designed to be easily integrated into existing automated production lines. It can be synchronized with conveyor systems and motion control systems to ensure precise timing and coordination. The system typically comes with software that is compatible with PLC controllers, enabling seamless operation without disrupting existing workflows.

8️⃣ Can the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine handle high-volume production?
Absolutely! The Online Flying Laser Marking Machine is built for high-speed, continuous marking, making it ideal for high-volume production environments. It is capable of marking products at a rate of hundreds or thousands per hour, ensuring that large-scale manufacturing processes remain efficient without sacrificing quality.

9️⃣ What type of maintenance is required for the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine?
While the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine requires minimal maintenance, it’s important to:

  • Clean the lenses and mirrors regularly to ensure optimal laser performance.
  • Check the system’s alignment to maintain accurate marking.
  • Monitor the cooling system to prevent overheating, especially in high-speed applications.
  • Ensure that the conveyor belt or other moving parts are functioning smoothly.

🔟 What is the lifespan of an Online Flying Laser Marking Machine?
The Online Flying Laser Marking Machine is designed to have a long lifespan when properly maintained. The fiber laser source typically lasts between 20,000 to 30,000 hours of continuous operation, depending on the model and usage conditions. This makes it a cost-effective solution for high-volume manufacturing environments over time.

1️⃣1️⃣ Is it difficult to program the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine?
Not at all! The machine typically comes with user-friendly software that allows easy programming for custom designs and text. You can import CAD files, logos, or other image files directly into the system. The software provides simple tools for adjusting text size, orientation, and placement, making it easy to adapt to your production needs.

1️⃣2️⃣ What types of marks can the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine create?
The Online Flying Laser Marking Machine can produce a variety of marks, including:

  • Text (serial numbers, production dates)
  • Logos
  • Barcodes and QR Codes
  • Graphics and Patterns
  • Batch numbers and product information

These marks are permanent, highly legible, and resistant to wear and environmental factors, making them ideal for products that require traceability and identification.

1️⃣3️⃣ Can the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine be used for both engraving and cutting?
This machine is primarily designed for marking and engraving; however, certain models with higher power can also perform light cutting of softer materials, such as plastics and thin metals. It’s not typically used for deep cutting, but it can handle surface etching and engraving effectively.

1️⃣4️⃣ What power options are available for the Online Flying Laser Marking Machine?
The Online Flying Laser Marking Machine comes in various power options, ranging from 20W to 100W lasers, depending on the application and material being processed. Higher-powered models are suitable for marking metal and harder materials, while lower-powered models are ideal for plastics and labels.

Videos of Flying Laser Marking Machine

Request a Quote for a Online Flying Laser Marking Machine

SISMAR LASER has fiber laser machines and other solutions for many industrial applications. Our solutions can serve as an upgrade to your existing laser marking system or an excellent choice for your first laser machine.

Request a quote for a high-quality fiber laser marking machine that exceeds your expectations. You can also schedule a demo to see how fiber laser marking works.

welcome to SISMAR laser. very glad to answer any questions about our fiber laser marking/cutting machines.

Mini Fiber Laser Marking Machine

Mini Fiber Laser Engraving Cutting Machine

Mini Fiber Laser Marking Machine | Compact & High-Precision

The Mini Fiber Laser is one of the most popular models in recent years, especially as a jewelry laser cutting machine. Its compact size and adjustable lifting pillar enable it to handle a wide variety of product marking, engraving, and cutting tasks with high precision. This makes it an excellent choice for jewelry businesses looking for a space-saving solution that doesn’t compromise on power or performance.

Perfect for industries like jewelry, electronicsand pharmaceuticals, this machine delivers clean, precise laser cuts and markings. Whether you’re engraving personalized jewelry, cutting intricate designs, or adding fine details to metal components, the Mini Fiber Laser is engineered to meet the demands of high-precision jewelry production and other industries with ease.

Mini Fiber Laser Marking Machine Photo

The Mini Fiber Laser Marking Machine is the perfect jewelry laser cutting machine for businesses seeking a compact, high-performance solution for laser marking, engraving, and cutting gold, silver, and other metals. Its detached design and compatibility with top-tier Raycus, JPT, and IPG laser sources (20W, 30W, 50W, 60W, 80W, 100W) make it versatile for a wide range of applications in the jewelry industry.

1-Key Features and Applications:

  • 20W/30W: Ideal for fine jewelry engraving and marking, allowing you to create detailed designs, logos, or text on items like rings, necklaces, and bracelets. Perfect for personalized jewelry marking.

  • 50W: Excellent for larger markings on jewelry or laser cutting gold and silver for jewelry startups or businesses scaling up their production. Provides a reliable solution for custom jewelry design.

  • 60W/80W/100W: These higher-power models are designed for deep engraving and laser cutting of precious metals, making them perfect for professional gold and silver jewelry cutting, 3D engraving, and producing complex designs on various metal surfaces.

The Mini Fiber Laser comes equipped with EZCAD software, ensuring a user-friendly experience for jewelry makers, from beginners to experts. This powerful yet easy-to-use software simplifies laser engraving and cutting, making it the go-to tool for jewelry laser cutting, personalized jewelry engraving, and custom jewelry production.

2-Why Choose the Mini Fiber Laser for Jewelry?

1️⃣High PrecisionAchieve flawless laser cuts and engraving with extreme accuracy, perfect for creating detailed patterns, logos, or custom designs on jewelry.
2️⃣VersatileThe Mini Fiber Laser is flexible, capable of working with both small intricate designs and larger jewelry pieces.
3️⃣Perfect for Gold & Silver CuttingWith higher-power models (50W, 60W, 80W, 100W), easily cut and engrave gold and silver jewelry with clean, precise results.
4️⃣Cost-Effective Solution for Jewelry ProductionIdeal for both small jewelry businesses and large-scale jewelry manufacturers, offering a balance of power and affordability.

3-Parameters for the Mini Fiber Laser Engraving & Cutting Machine for Jewelry:

Laser Parameters 
Optical MaserJPT M7
Laser Wavelength1064nm
Average Output Power60W
Light IsolationYes
Modulation Frequency Range20kHz ~ 80kHz
Galvo Parameters 
Maximum Speed7000mm/s
Repositioning Precision±0.003mm
Optical Output Characteristics 
Marking Area110*110mm
Minimum Line Width0.01mm
Minimum Height of Characters0.2mm
Cooling System 
Cooling WayAir Cooling
System Properties 
Laser Power Supply0.5KW/AC220V/50Hz~60Hz (optional 110V)
Environmental Requirements0 ~ 35°C, 90% humidity

Whether you’re looking for a jewelry laser cutting machine for custom engravings, personalized jewelry marking, or professional gold and silver cutting, the Mini Fiber Laser Marking Machine is the best choice to elevate your business and increase your production capabilities.

Targeted Keywords:

  • Jewelry laser cutting machine
  • Laser marking for jewelry
  • Jewelry laser engraving
  • Gold laser cutting machine
  • Silver laser cutting
  • Mini fiber laser for jewelry
  • Personalized jewelry laser engraving
  • EZCAD laser software
  • Jewelry marking machine

Advantages of the Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine in Jewelry Applications

The Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine is a powerful, compact, and versatile tool that brings significant advantages to jewelry production. It’s specifically designed for high-precision laser cutting, engraving, and marking on gold, silver, and other metals. Here are the key benefits it offers for the jewelry industry:

1. Precision and Detail

The Mini Fiber Laser provides exceptional precision, making it ideal for intricate jewelry designs. Whether you’re engraving detailed logos, custom patterns, or small text on rings, bracelets, or pendants, this machine ensures the highest level of accuracy and clarity. The laser’s fine focus allows you to achieve clean, crisp lines and fine details, giving your jewelry a professional and polished look.

2. High-Speed Performance

The Mini Fiber Laser operates at high speeds, drastically reducing production time while maintaining precision. This is especially advantageous for jewelry makers who need to fulfill high-volume orders or offer customized pieces. With its quick cutting and engraving abilities, the machine helps businesses increase productivity without compromising on quality.

3. Versatility in Materials

Perfect for gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals, the Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine offers a wide range of material compatibility. Whether you are working with delicate chains, intricate rings, or large jewelry pieces, this machine is capable of cutting and engraving with exceptional precision, making it a go-to tool for all metal jewelry applications.

4. Clean and Precise Cuts

With its fiber laser technology, the Mini Fiber Laser ensures clean, sharp cuts with minimal burrs or waste. This precision is especially important in the jewelry industry, where a smooth edge and flawless finish are essential. The heat-affected zone (HAZ) is minimal, which means that the metal’s integrity is maintained during the cutting and engraving process.

5. Cost-Effective Solution for Small Jewelry Businesses

The Mini Fiber Laser offers an affordable solution for small jewelry businesses or startups that need an efficient, space-saving machine without sacrificing performance. Its compact design allows it to fit into smaller workspaces, while its affordable price makes it an accessible choice for growing jewelry businesses that need reliable laser technology.

6. Easy to Use and Operate

Thanks to the EZCAD software included with the Mini Fiber Laser, even beginners can start creating custom jewelry engravings right away. The software is user-friendly, offering a simple interface for designing and setting up jobs quickly. Whether you’re an experienced jewelry maker or just starting, this machine is designed for easy operation, making it an ideal choice for all levels of expertise.

7. Ability to Create Custom Jewelry Designs

The Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine excels at producing custom jewelry pieces. With its high precision, businesses can offer personalized engravings or create unique designs for customers. From initials on wedding bands to custom shapes for fashion jewelry, this machine offers limitless design possibilities for jewelry makers and designers.

8. Low Maintenance and Long Durability

With fiber laser technology, the Mini Fiber Laser requires minimal maintenance, reducing operating costs for businesses. The durability of the fiber laser ensures that it can handle high-volume work for extended periods, making it a reliable machine for jewelry production over the long term.

Why the Mini Fiber Laser is Perfect for Jewelry Makers:

  • High Precision for fine details and intricate designs.
  • Fast and Efficient for quick production of custom jewelry.
  • Versatile enough to work with a wide range of precious metals like gold and silver.
  • Clean, sharp cuts with minimal waste.
  • Cost-Effective for small businesses and jewelry startups.
  • Easy to use with EZCAD software for hassle-free operation.
  • Low maintenance and long-lasting performance.

The Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine is the ideal choice for jewelry applications, whether you’re creating custom engravings, cutting intricate patterns, or offering personalized gold and silver jewelry. With its precision, speed, and affordability, it provides an excellent solution for jewelry makers looking to take their business to the next level.

Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine in Jewelry Applications

The Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine is a versatile tool for jewelry makers, offering high precision for laser engraving, marking, and cutting gold, silver, and other metals.

Key Jewelry Applications:

  • Custom Engraving: Perfect for engraving personalized designs, initials, and logos on jewelry pieces like rings, bracelets, and necklaces.
  • Jewelry Cutting: Ideal for cutting intricate designs in gold and silver, including custom rings and necklaces.
  • 3D Jewelry Designs: Capable of 3D engraving for luxury jewelry or pieces requiring intricate textures.
  • Small Batch Production: Excellent for small batches of custom jewelry, enabling quick production without expensive tooling.

Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine in Other Industries

Apart from jewelry, the Mini Fiber Laser serves several other industries:

Key Applications in Other Sectors:

  • Electronics: Used for marking serial numbers, logos, and barcodes on electronic components.
  • Automotive: Engraving and cutting automotive parts with precision.
  • Aerospace: Marking aircraft parts with serial numbers and part numbers.
  • Medical: Engraving medical devices and surgical instruments for traceability.
  • Packaging: Ideal for creating custom designs on packaging materials like plastic and cardboard.
  • Tool and Die Manufacturing: Precision cutting and engraving on hardened metals.

Why Choose the Mini Fiber Laser?

  • Precision: Achieve detailed, accurate cuts and engravings.
  • Versatility: Works across jewelry, electronics, automotive, medical, and more.
  • Efficiency: Fast and cost-effective for both small and large-scale production.
  • Durability: Low maintenance and long-lasting for high-volume use.

The Mini Fiber Laser Cutting Machine offers excellent performance in jewelry, electronics, automotive, medical, and other industries, providing a cost-effective solution for custom designs, engraving, and cutting needs.

Package photos

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1️⃣ What materials can the Mini Fiber Laser Engraving & Cutting Machine handle?
The Mini Fiber Laser is ideal for engraving and cutting materials like gold, silver, copper, brass, stainless steel, and other metals. It is also suitable for working with certain plastics and coated materials, making it perfect for jewelry, metal signage, and more.

2️⃣ How accurate is the Mini Fiber Laser for engraving?
This machine offers extremely high precision, with a resolution of 0.001mm and a repositioning accuracy of ±0.003mm, making it perfect for intricate designs on jewelry pieces.

3️⃣ What is the power range of the Mini Fiber Laser?
The Mini Fiber Laser comes in various power models:

  • 20W/30W for fine engraving and detailed designs on smaller jewelry pieces.
  • 50W is ideal for medium-sized jewelry production, cutting and engraving gold and silver.
  • 60W, 80W, and 100W models are designed for professional jewelry businesses that require high power for deep engraving and cutting through thicker materials.

4️⃣ Can this machine engrave detailed designs on jewelry?
Yes, absolutely! With its high precision and small minimum line width of 0.01mm, the Mini Fiber Laser can engrave intricate logos, text, and detailed patterns on jewelry pieces like rings, necklaces, bracelets, and more.

5️⃣ What is the marking area of the Mini Fiber Laser?
The marking area of the Mini Fiber Laser is 110mm x 110mm, which is perfect for engraving and cutting most jewelry designs, from small logos to larger custom pieces.

6️⃣ Does the Mini Fiber Laser require special maintenance?
The Mini Fiber Laser requires minimal maintenance. The system is designed for long-term reliability, with air cooling to prevent overheating. Regular cleaning of the lens and ensuring proper ventilation will help maintain the machine’s efficiency.

7️⃣ Is the Mini Fiber Laser easy to use for beginners?
Yes, the machine is user-friendly, with intuitive software and simple controls. Even if you’re new to laser engraving, the user interface is designed to make setup and operation easy for everyone.

8️⃣ What is the maximum engraving speed of the Mini Fiber Laser?
The Mini Fiber Laser can operate at a maximum speed of 7000mm/s, allowing for fast and efficient engraving, which is crucial for meeting production demands in jewelry businesses.

9️⃣ What type of cooling system does the Mini Fiber Laser use?
The machine uses air cooling, which helps maintain optimal operating temperatures and reduces the need for frequent servicing.

🔟 What is the warranty on the Mini Fiber Laser?
The Mini Fiber Laser comes with a 2-year limited warranty covering parts and labor (excluding consumables and shipping). This ensures that you have reliable support in case any issues ari

Jewelry Laser Engraving Cutting,Deep engraving by Mini Fiber laser​

Request a Quote for a Mini Fiber Laser Marking Machine

SISMAR LASER has fiber laser machines and other solutions for many industrial applications. Our solutions can serve as an upgrade to your existing laser marking system or an excellent choice for your first laser machine.

Request a quote for a high-quality fiber laser marking machine that exceeds your expectations. You can also schedule a demo to see how fiber laser marking works.

welcome to SISMAR laser. very glad to answer any questions about our fiber laser marking/cutting machines.

Glass laser drilling machine

Advantage of 120W 200W glass laser drilling machine

Glass Laser Drilling Machine for Green and Ultra-Clear Glass: Perfect for Thin Glass Panels

If you’re working with 3-6mm thin glass panels like green glass or ultra-clear glass, the Glass Laser Drilling Machine is your go-to tool for precision drilling with no fuss. Get holes drilled fast, clean, and without the risk of cracking or damaging your glass.

What Makes Our Glass Laser Drilling Machine Stand Out?

🔹 Precision Drilling for Thin Glass Panels
Whether it’s green glass used for architectural panels or ultra-clear glass for displays, our Glass Laser Drilling Machine delivers perfect holes in 3-6mm thin glass. These holes are drilled with no mechanical force, ensuring no cracks, chips, or distortion. Ideal for panel-based glass products where high-precision micro-holes aren’t required, but clean, functional drilling is a must.

🔹 Non-Touch, Non-Destructive Drilling
Traditional drilling methods often risk damaging the glass. But with our laser drilling, there’s no physical contact—just clean, efficient drilling. This means your thin glass panels stay intact and flawless, with no risk of breakage.

🔹 Perfect for Mass Production of Glass Panels
Need to drill multiple holes in glass panels for mounting, wiring, or other purposes? This machine is built for speed and efficiency. Perfect for high-volume production, whether you’re working with green glass for windows or ultra-clear glass for displays.

🔹 Versatile for Different Glass Types
The Glass Laser Drilling Machine excels with green glass—used in eco-friendly architecture, solar panels, and decorative glass—as well as ultra-clear glass for displays and electronic devices. Whether you need precision for industrial applications or delicate decorative pieces, this machine handles it all.

Why Choose Glass Laser Drilling for Thin Glass Panels?

Quick & Efficient: Laser drilling is fast, cutting down production time compared to traditional methods.

🔧 No Material Stress: Since there’s no physical contact, the glass is not at risk of damage during the process.

🚀 High Productivity: Ideal for mass production of 3-6mm glass panels, keeping your operations efficient and reliable.

The Glass Laser Drilling Machine offers speed, precision, and safety for drilling green glass and ultra-clear glass panels—without the risks associated with traditional drilling methods. Ready to take your glass drilling to the next level?

Smallest Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Jewelry – 800W, 1000W, 1500W, 200x300mm

200*300mm Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

  • Smallest Jewelry Laser Cutting Machine – 
  • 800W, 1000W, 1500W Fiber Laser for Precision Cutting (200x300mm)”

“The precision fiber laser cutting machine has an efficient working area of 200×300mm, a compact design, and a very small footprint, making it particularly suitable for production environments with limited space.

Its excellent cutting performance makes it an ideal choice for the jewelry and gold and silver processing industry, and it can easily cope with complex patterns and high-precision requirements.

In addition, this machine is also suitable for other precision metal processing industries, such as micro-parts production and high-end customized processing, providing you with flexible, fast and economical solutions.”

Photos of 200*300mm Fiber Laser Cutting Machine
1. Product Title

200×300mm Precision Fiber Laser Cutting Machine – Compact Size, Big Performance

Discover the 200×300mm Precision Fiber Laser Cutting Machine, designed for the jewelry processing industry and other high precision metal process industry.

Offers high precision (±0.01mm), fast cutting, and intelligent operation. Perfect for small spaces and mass production, helping you achieve outstanding performance.

2. Product Overview:

In the jewelry processing industry, where precision and efficiency are paramount, the 200×300mm Precision Fiber Laser Cutting Machine stands out with its compact design and exceptional performance. Whether it’s intricate hollow designs or high-end customized details, this machine handles them effortlessly. Designed for small to medium-sized production environments, it is the key to upgrading your production line and staying ahead of the market.

3. Key Features & Benefits:

1). Compact Design for Versatile Applications
  • Small Footprint:
    With a 200×300mm working area, it takes up minimal space, making it ideal for limited production spaces and jewelry workshops.
  • Air-Cooled Laser Source:
    Compared to traditional water-cooled systems, it reduces space requirements while offering easier installation and operation.

2). Superior Performance for Diverse Processing Needs
  • High Power Range:
    Supports 800W, 1000W, and 1500W laser power, capable of handling everything from thin sheets to thick precious metals.
  • Ultra-High Precision:
    ±0.01mm cutting accuracy ensures flawless results, even for the most intricate designs.
  • High Cutting Speed:
    Optimized for mass production, significantly reducing processing time and boosting productivity.

3). Smart Operation, Lower Labor Costs
  • Auto-Focus Technology:
    Easily handles materials of varying thicknesses with precise cutting every time.
  • Intelligent Nesting System:
    Maximizes material usage and minimizes waste, optimizing each cut.

4). Excellent Cutting Quality Without Post-Processing
  • Smooth and Burr-Free Edges:
    Delivers smooth, burr-free cutting edges with no burn marks, eliminating the need for additional polishing. This reduces costs, saves time, and ensures superior product aesthetics.

Technical Specifications:

Working Area200×300mm
Laser Power500W/800W/1000W
Positioning Accuracy±0.01mm
Cutting Thickness0.1mm-2mm
Machine Dimensions950×820×780mm
Machine Weight220kg
Assist GasNitrogen, Air
Control SystemIntelligent Nesting System
Advantages of the 200×300mm Fiber Laser Cutting Machine
1. Compact Design with Minimal Footprint
  • Space-Saving: The 200×300mm working area makes this machine perfect for workshops with limited space, such as jewelry stores and small production facilities.
  • Flexible Installation: Its compact design allows easy integration into existing production lines without requiring large-scale layout changes.
2.Broad Application Scenarios
  • Suitable for a wide range of industries, including:
    • Jewelry Manufacturing: Cutting gold, silver, and other precious metals for pendants, rings, bracelets, and other designs.
    • Micro-Component Production: Ideal for precision engineering and small-scale parts manufacturing.
    • Prototyping and Customization: Perfect for creating custom designs and prototypes in small batches.
3.Long-Term Cost Efficiency
  • Durable Build: Built to last with low maintenance requirements, ensuring reliable performance over time.
  • Material Savings: Narrow cutting seams minimize material waste, especially for expensive metals like gold and silver.
4.Easy to Operate and Maintain
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive control system simplifies operation, even for operators with limited experience.
  • Low Maintenance: Air-cooled design and durable components reduce the need for frequent servicing, keeping downtime to a minimum.


1. Jewelry Processing

  • Ideal for creating pendants, rings, bracelets, and other high-end jewelry items.
  • Perfect for mass production with consistent quality and intricate designs.

2. Precision Metal Processing

  • Suitable for micro-component manufacturing and high-end customization.
  • Ensures precise cuts and flawless finishes for intricate parts and designs.

3. Small Workshops

  • Designed for jewelry shops and production environments with limited space.
  • Compact design allows it to fit into smaller workspaces without sacrificing performance.
More 200*300mm fiber laser cutting machine videos

Request a Quote for a Fiber laser Cutting Machine

SISMAR LASER has fiber laser machines and other solutions for many industrial applications. Our solutions can serve as an upgrade to your existing Fiber laser cutting system or an excellent choice for your first laser machine.

Request a quote for a high-quality fiber laser cutting machine that exceeds your expectations. You can also schedule a demo to see how fiber laser marking cutting works.

welcome to SISMAR laser. very glad to answer any questions about our fiber laser marking/cutting machines.

Mirror Laser Painting Stripping Machine

600*900mm Mirror Laser Painting Stripping Machine
Ideal for mirror restoration, surface preparation, and industrial cleaning—a must-have tool for various industries.
  • Laser Paint Stripping Machine: A cutting-edge device that uses high-energy laser beams to precisely remove paint or coatings from various surfaces, including mirrors.

  • Laser Mirror Stripping Process: When applied to the back of a mirror, the laser paint stripping machine effectively removes the paint layer, leaving the mirror transparent without damaging the underlying glass.

  • Advantages of Laser Paint Removal for Mirrors: This technology, known as laser mirror stripping or laser paint removal for mirrors, offers a non-destructive and highly efficient solution for paint removal, ensuring the preservation of the mirror’s quality and clarity.

Photos of 600*900mm mirror laser painting stripping machine

1️⃣ Laser Paint Stripping Machine – Precision and Efficiency Redefined

Our Laser Paint Stripping Machine is a state-of-the-art solution designed to effortlessly remove paint and coatings from a variety of surfaces, including glass, metal, and other materials. With this cutting-edge laser technology, you can achieve precise, non-contact cleaning without damaging the substrate. This makes it the ideal choice for mirror back paint removal, mirror restoration, and surface preparation.


2️⃣ Key Features 📋

  1. High Precision: Remove paint with pinpoint accuracy, leaving the base material untouched and intact.
  2. Eco-Friendly Technology: Chemical-free and dust-free operation ensures a safe and clean process for both workers and the environment.
  3. Customizable Settings: Adjustable laser power allows you to handle various paint types and thicknesses with ease.
  4. Fast and Efficient: Speed up your operations with high-speed removal, making it perfect for industrial and commercial use.
  5. Non-Contact Process: Reduces wear and tear on materials while providing superior surface protection.


3️⃣ Why Choose Our Laser Paint Stripping Machine? 💡

Experience unmatched precision, reliability, and cost-effectiveness with our advanced laser paint removal technology. Whether you’re working on industrial applications or specialized mirror restoration projects, this machine guarantees outstanding results every time.


4️⃣ Laser Paint Removal for Mirrors 🪞

Our laser paint removal technology is especially designed for mirror applications. Here’s how it stands out:

  1. Precision Cleaning: The laser targets only the paint layer, ensuring that the glass remains intact, clean, and undamaged.
  2. Eco-Friendly: Since no chemicals or abrasives are involved, the process is environmentally friendly and safe for long-term use.
  3. Non-Contact Process: The non-contact nature of the laser minimizes the risk of scratching or damaging the mirror surface.
  4. Adjustable Power: Customizable laser strength ensures the removal of paint of varying thicknesses, offering versatility in applications.
  5. Efficiency: Significantly reduces time compared to traditional paint removal methods, making it ideal for large projects.


5️⃣ Benefits for Mirror Applications 🔑

  1. Full Transparency: Achieves a clear, transparent effect by completely removing the paint from the back of the mirror.
  2. Versatile Use: Ideal for decorative purposes, repairs, or even repurposing old mirrors.
  3. Cost-Effective: Significantly reduces labor and material costs compared to traditional paint removal methods.


6️⃣ Request a Demo Today! 📝

Contact us today to learn more about our Laser Paint Stripping Machine or request a demo of our advanced laser paint removal solution. See how our technology can enhance your mirror restoration or industrial applications!

Machine structure

Gantry type

Working size


Servo drive system

uses bus absolute values, and the precise position of the servo motor can be recorded even if the servo motor is unexpectedly powered off or stopped.

Transmission system (XYZ)

Ball screw and guide rail

Laser output power


Laser type

Fiber Laser

F-theta lens range


Cooling system

Air cooling

Laser Q-switched frequency


Machine power


Minimum line width


Repeat positioning accuracy


Working power supply

AC 220V/50Hz

7️⃣Applications of Laser Paint Stripping Machine 💡

Our Laser Paint Stripping Machine is perfect for a wide range of applications, offering precision, efficiency, and eco-friendly solutions for various industries:

  1. Mirror Paint Removal: Achieve total transparency by stripping paint from the back of mirrors, perfect for creative or functional purposes such as decorative projects, restoration, or repurposing old mirrors.
  2. Surface Restoration: Remove rust, coatings, or contaminants from metal surfaces, restoring them to their original condition for further treatment or reuse.
  3. Industrial Cleaning: Prepare surfaces for welding, bonding, or painting, ensuring a smooth, clean base for optimal adhesion and finished results.

8️⃣ FAQ – 600x900mm Mirror Laser Paint Stripping Machine

Q1: What is the maximum size of the mirror that can be processed with this machine?
A1: The 600x900mm Mirror Laser Paint Stripping Machine is designed to handle mirrors up to 600mm x 900mm in size, making it ideal for medium to large mirrors used in commercial and industrial applications.

Q2: How does the laser paint stripping process work on mirrors?
A2: The laser beam targets the paint layer on the back of the mirror without coming into contact with the glass, ensuring total transparency while preserving the integrity of the mirror surface.

Q3: Is the machine environmentally friendly?
A3: Yes! Our Laser Paint Stripping Machine is chemical-free and dust-free, making it an eco-friendly solution for paint removal. There are no harmful chemicals or abrasives used in the process.

Q4: How long does it take to remove paint from a mirror?
A4: The process is incredibly efficient. Paint removal time depends on the paint thickness and mirror size, but typically, the machine can complete the job faster than traditional methods, significantly reducing labor time.

Q5: Can the machine be used for other materials besides mirrors?
A5: Absolutely! While it’s optimized for mirror paint removal, the 600x900mm Laser Paint Stripping Machine is versatile enough to strip paint from various materials, including metal, glass, and more, for industrial cleaning and surface restoration.

Q6: Is the machine easy to operate?
A6: Yes! The user-friendly interface and adjustable laser settings make operation simple and straightforward. Even those without prior experience can quickly learn how to use the machine effectively.

Q7: What maintenance is required for the machine?
A7: The machine requires minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning of the laser lens and checking the settings are recommended. We also provide customer support for any issues or troubleshooting.

Q8: Can I get a demo of the machine before purchasing?
A8: Yes! We offer live demos of the 600x900mm Laser Paint Stripping Machine. Contact us today to schedule a demo and see the machine in action!

Mirror paint removing videos

Request a Quote for a Large format Laser Marking Machine

SISMAR LASER has Large format laser machines and other solutions for many industrial applications. Our solutions can serve as an upgrade to your existing laser marking system or an excellent choice for your first laser machine.

Request a quote for a high-quality large format laser marking machine that exceeds your expectations. You can also schedule a demo to see how large format laser marking machine laser marking works

welcome to SISMAR laser. very glad to answer any questions about our fiber laser marking/cutting machines.

Large Format Laser Marking Machine

Large Format Laser Marking Machines | Industrial-Scale Precision Marking Solutions

High-Speed Marking for Oversized Parts | Customizable Work Area up to 3000x1500mm

Large Format Laser Marking Machines | Unlock Limitless Possibilities
Struggling with limited marking space? Our Large Format Laser Marking Machines are the solution you’ve been waiting for. Designed for large-scale operations, these machines break through the constraints of traditional systems with their advanced XY-axis motion system. With customizable workbenches, you can mark on surfaces of any size—no more worrying about out-of-reach areas.

The game-changing follow-up marking system ensures your marking process is smooth and continuous, even while the machine is in motion. This means faster production times without compromising on quality. Whether you’re in automotive, aerospace, or any industry that demands precision, these machines deliver the performance you need to stay ahead.

Ready to take your marking capabilities to the next level? Our machines bring both power and flexibility, ensuring perfect results every time.

Photos of Large Format Laser Marking Machine

Gantry-Type Large-Format Laser Marking Machines | Precision and Efficiency for Large-Scale Production

Our Gantry-Type Large-Format Laser Marking Machines are engineered specifically for large-size and mass production applications. With standard sizes of 600×600mm and 1300×2500mm, we also offer customizable options to meet your specific requirements.

Looking to take your large-format marking to the next level? Our Large Format Laser Marking Machines are the ultimate solution for businesses that need precision, speed, and versatility—without any of the usual limitations. These machines are packed with features that make large-scale operations easier, faster, and more efficient.

1.Customizable Workbench Sizes—Your Projects, Your Way
Forget about working within restricted boundaries. With our Large Format Laser Marking Machines, you can customize the workbench to fit parts of any size. This means no more squeezing, no more awkward setups. You get the flexibility to handle everything from massive components to smaller, detailed pieces—without compromising on quality.

2.XY-Axis Motion System—Move with Precision
Precision is key when it comes to laser marking. Our advanced XY-axis motion system ensures smooth, accurate movement across large surfaces, giving you flawless, consistent results every single time. Whether you’re marking complex designs, serial numbers, or logos, you can count on sharp, clear marks that stand the test of time.

3.Follow-Up Marking System—Mark While You Move
Here’s the game-changer: our follow-up marking system lets you mark while the machine is moving. This means you can cut down on downtime, keep the machine running continuously, and get through high-volume jobs faster than ever before—without sacrificing the quality of your marks.

4.Built for Any Industry, Any Material
Whether you’re in automotive, aerospace, electronics, or any other field, our machines are designed to tackle a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics, and more. Engraving serial numbers? Check. Logos or barcodes? Done. Complex patterns or intricate designs? No problem. With our laser marking technology, you can handle it all with ease and precision.

5.Durable and Low Maintenance
These machines are built to last—designed to stand up to even the most demanding environments. With minimal maintenance needs and robust construction, our Large Format Laser Marking Machines will keep working for years, so you can focus on getting the job done.

Why Choose Our Large Format Laser Marking Machines?

  • Customizable Workbenches: Adjust to fit any part size, large or small.
  • Advanced XY-Axis Motion: Enjoy smooth, precise movements for flawless markings.
  • Follow-Up Marking System: Mark while moving to maximize production speed.
  • Versatile Material Compatibility: Perfect for metals, plastics, ceramics, and more.
  • Built for High-Volume Production: Rugged design, minimal maintenance, and reliable performance.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the parameters for a Large Format Laser Marking Machine with different laser types: UV Laser, Fiber Laser, and CO₂ Laser.

1. Fiber Laser

  • Wavelength: Approximately 1064 nm, ideal for marking metals.
  • Power: Typically ranges from 20W to 100W, depending on the application requirements.
  • Marking Speed: Can reach up to 7000 mm/s, suitable for high-volume production.
  • Minimum Character Size: As small as 0.15 mm, ensuring fine detailing in the markings.
  • Cooling System: Air cooling is commonly used, reducing maintenance costs.

2. UV Laser

  • Wavelength: Approximately 355 nm, perfect for fine marking on non-metallic materials.
  • Power: Typically ranges from 3W to 20W, designed for high-precision marking.
  • Marking Speed: Moderate, depending on the material and application.
  • Minimum Character Size: As small as 0.05 mm, ideal for high-precision tasks.
  • Cooling System: Water cooling is often used to ensure stable operation during prolonged use.

3. CO₂ Laser

  • Wavelength: Approximately 10600 nm, suitable for marking and cutting non-metallic materials.
  • Power: Usually ranges from 30W to 60W, adaptable for a variety of materials.
  • Marking Speed: Moderate, depending on the material and marking complexity.
  • Minimum Character Size: As small as 0.1 mm, suitable for general precision requirements.
  • Cooling System: Often uses either air or water cooling, depending on the machine design and power requirements.


These parameters provide general guidance, and actual specifications may vary based on the machine model and manufacturer. When selecting the laser type for your marking needs, consider the material properties and application requirements to ensure optimal performance and results.

Large Format Laser Marking Machines | Versatility Meets Precision Across Industries

The Large Format Laser Marking Machine is a game-changer for industries requiring high-quality, precise, and efficient marking on large surfaces. With the flexibility to work with different types of lasers—fiber lasers, UV lasers, and CO2 lasers—this machine can handle a wide range of materials, making it adaptable to virtually any production environment. Whether you’re marking metal, glass, plastic, or wood, this versatile machine guarantees precision and durability. Here’s how it works with various materials and industries:

Fiber Lasers: Precision for Metals and Industrial Equipment

Fiber lasers are known for their efficiency and precision, especially when working with metals. These lasers are perfect for applications requiring high-definition markings that withstand harsh environments.

  • Stainless Steel: Perfect for engraving serial numbers, barcodes, and logos on stainless steel surfaces. This is ideal for industries like aerospace, automotive, and medical equipment, where long-lasting, clear identification is essential.
  • Aluminum and Other Metals: Fiber lasers efficiently mark on materials such as aluminum, brass, and titanium, making them highly suitable for automotive, electronics, and aerospace industries where fine and permanent marks are crucial.

UV Lasers: Precision on Glass and Plastics

UV lasers provide fine, high-contrast markings, especially on delicate materials like glass and plastics. These lasers are known for their ability to create precise marks without damaging or causing cracks on sensitive surfaces.

  • Glass: UV lasers excel at marking glass surfaces without compromising the material. These are used in industries such as beverage, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals for marking bottles, containers, and glass products.
  • Plastics: Whether it’s for electronics, medical devices, or consumer goods, UV lasers provide high-quality, durable, and legible markings on a range of plastics, making them perfect for products that require both clarity and longevity.

CO2 Lasers: Ideal for Organic Materials

CO2 lasers are highly effective for cutting and engraving organic materials like leather, wood, and acrylic. These lasers offer clean, precise cuts and engravings with minimal material damage, making them perfect for various design and manufacturing applications.

  • Leather: Ideal for engraving and cutting leather products such as bags, shoes, and accessories. CO2 lasers ensure intricate designs and clean edges without damaging the material.
  • Wood and Acrylic: Whether you’re creating custom signage, furniture, or decorative pieces, CO2 lasers provide accurate marking and cutting for wood and acrylic, perfect for industries like interior design, advertising, and craftsmanship.

Applications Across Industries:

With its adaptability to different laser types, the Large Format Laser Marking Machine serves a broad range of industries, enhancing precision, speed, and efficiency. Let’s take a closer look at its application in various sectors:

1. Industrial Manufacturing

  • Automotive: Engraves large components, parts, and tools, ensuring traceability and identification with high-speed marking for large-scale production runs.
  • Aerospace: Provides permanent, precise markings on aerospace components to meet safety and quality standards, ensuring regulatory compliance.

2. Consumer Electronics

  • Electronics Marking: Marks logos, serial numbers, and regulatory information on electronic devices and components, improving product identification and brand recognition across a global market.

3. Medical Devices

  • Precision Marking for Medical Instruments: Ensures permanent, precise markings on medical tools and equipment, complying with strict regulatory requirements for traceability, sterilization, and safety.

4. Packaging Industry

  • Packaging Marking: From cardboard to plastic and glass, this machine marks batch numbers, barcodes, and product information on packaging materials, streamlining inventory management, and ensuring accurate tracking.

5. Art and Design

  • Custom Designs: Whether it’s engraving intricate patterns on wood, leather, or acrylic, our large-format laser marking machines cater to the needs of artists, designers, and craftsmen, creating custom, high-quality products for personal and commercial use.

Why Choose Our Large Format Laser Marking Machines?

  • Unmatched Versatility: Compatible with fiber, UV, and CO2 lasers, this machine can mark on metals, plastics, glass, leather, and more—ideal for industries with diverse material needs.
  • Precision at Scale: Whether you’re marking large surfaces or intricate details, the machine provides highly accurate, permanent marks every time.
  • Speed & Efficiency: Designed for high-volume production, it increases productivity while maintaining top-notch marking quality, even on large components.
  • Cost-Effective: The large-format laser marking machine offers long-term reliability, minimal maintenance, and low operational costs, giving you more value for your investment.

Ready to Enhance Your Production Line?

From industrial components to consumer products, the large format laser marking machine is your go-to solution for precision, speed, and versatility. No matter your industry, this machine can help you streamline operations, boost brand recognition, and improve traceability. Ready to take your production process to the next level? Contact us today to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1️⃣ What is a Large Format Laser Marking Machine?
A Large Format Laser Marking Machine is a specialized laser system designed for marking and engraving large objects or materials with high precision. These machines are ideal for processing oversized components, such as industrial parts, signage, large packaging, and more. Unlike smaller laser systems, these machines can handle large-scale applications, offering flexibility and versatility in various industries.

2️⃣ What materials can the Large Format Laser Marking Machine handle?
The Large Format Laser Marking Machine is capable of working with a variety of materials, including:

  • Metals (steel, aluminum, brass, etc.)
  • Plastics
  • Wood
  • Acrylic
  • Leather
  • Glass
  • Ceramics
  • Textiles
  • Rubber

This makes it an excellent choice for industries such as automotive, electronics, construction, advertising, architecture, and sign making.

3️⃣ What is the marking area of the Large Format Laser Marking Machine?
The Large Format Laser Marking Machine can cover a significantly larger marking area compared to standard laser machines. Typical marking areas range from 500mm x 500mm to 2000mm x 2000mm or larger, depending on the model. This expansive area allows you to work with oversized products without the need for multiple setups.

4️⃣ Does the Large Format Laser Marking Machine come with a moving or non-moving system?
The Large Format Laser Marking Machine is available with two types of systems:

  • Moving System (Galvo): In this system, the laser head moves across the marking surface while the material stays stationary. This is typically faster and more accurate, making it ideal for large, complex designs.
  • Non-Moving System (Cartesian): In this system, the material moves beneath a fixed laser head. This is often used for larger and heavier objects, offering more versatility in terms of material handling.

Both systems are designed to provide precision, with the moving system being faster and the non-moving system offering more flexibility for large and bulky items.

5️⃣ What industries benefit from using the Large Format Laser Marking Machine?
The Large Format Laser Marking Machine is highly beneficial for industries that require large-area marking and engraving. Some of the industries that use these machines include:

  • Automotive (marking large parts, chassis, and components)
  • Construction (engraving large signage and architectural components)
  • Sign Making (creating large custom signs, plaques, and displays)
  • Aerospace (engraving serial numbers, logos, and parts identification)
  • Packaging (marking large packaging materials or containers)
  • Manufacturing (marking oversized products or industrial equipment)
  • Art and Sculpture (engraving large pieces of artwork or sculptures)

6️⃣ How does the Large Format Laser Marking Machine ensure precision?
The Large Format Laser Marking Machine maintains high precision through advanced galvo scanning systems and automated focus adjustments. The use of high-resolution optics and computer-controlled movements ensures that even large surfaces receive sharp, detailed marks. Many models also include alignment lasers for easy setup and automatic focus control for consistent depth.

7️⃣ Is the Large Format Laser Marking Machine easy to operate?
Yes, most Large Format Laser Marking Machines come with user-friendly software that makes it easy to design and set up projects, even for beginners. The machine’s intuitive interface allows you to upload designs, adjust settings, and operate the system with minimal training. Advanced models may offer features such as automatic file import, batch processing, and real-time monitoring to further simplify the process.

8️⃣ What are the power options available for the Large Format Laser Marking Machine?
The Large Format Laser Marking Machine comes in a variety of power options, typically ranging from 20W to 500W or more, depending on the specific needs of the application. Higher-powered lasers are better suited for deep engraving, cutting harder materials, or handling large volumes of work. The power selection allows for flexibility in meeting the demands of different marking applications, from fine details to large-area marking and cutting.

9️⃣ What maintenance is required for the Large Format Laser Marking Machine?
Maintenance is relatively minimal, but it’s essential to:

  • Clean the lenses and mirrors regularly to avoid build-up and maintain optimal performance.
  • Check the alignment of the system to ensure consistent marking accuracy across large surfaces.
  • Monitor the cooling system to prevent overheating, especially in high-power models.
  • Inspect the laser source periodically and replace it when necessary.
  • Keep the machine’s rails and gantries free from debris for smooth operation.

1️⃣0️⃣ What size of products can the Large Format Laser Marking Machine handle?
The Large Format Laser Marking Machine can handle a wide range of product sizes, from small items up to large-scale components. The expansive marking area (up to 2000mm x 2000mm) allows the machine to accommodate oversized items such as large industrial parts, signage, furniture, and custom artwork, making it perfect for industries with bulky products.

1️⃣1️⃣ Can the Large Format Laser Marking Machine be integrated with an automated production line?
Yes, many Large Format Laser Marking Machines can be integrated with automated systems, such as conveyor belts, robots, or assembly lines. This makes them ideal for industries that require continuous, high-speed production with automated marking and engraving. The system can be synchronized with motion control systems, ensuring a seamless workflow.

1️⃣2️⃣ What is the price range for the Large Format Laser Marking Machine?
The price of the Large Format Laser Marking Machine varies depending on factors such as the laser power, marking area, and additional features. Typically, prices range from $10,000 for lower-power models to over $100,000 for high-end systems with advanced features and large marking areas. Pricing depends on your specific application and the level of precision and power you require.

Working Video of Large format laser marking machine

Request a Quote for a Large format Laser Marking Machine

SISMAR LASER has Large format laser machines and other solutions for many industrial applications. Our solutions can serve as an upgrade to your existing laser marking system or an excellent choice for your first laser machine.

Request a quote for a high-quality large format laser marking machine that exceeds your expectations. You can also schedule a demo to see how large format laser marking machine laser marking works

welcome to SISMAR laser. very glad to answer any questions about our fiber laser marking/cutting machines.

3D Crystal Laser Engraving Machine

3D Subsurface Laser Engraving Machine For Crystal & Glass​

3D Crystal UV Laser Marking Machine – Precision and Creativity in Every Detail

The 3D Crystal UV Laser Marking Machine is the ideal solution for creating intricate, multi-dimensional engravings inside crystal, glass, and acrylic. Using advanced UV laser technology, it offers exceptional precision, delivering sharp, detailed designs that appear to float inside the material. Perfect for personalized gifts, awards, trophies, and memorial pieces, this machine creates lasting memories with stunning depth and clarity.

Key features include:

  • 3D engraving for depth and realism.
  • UV laser precision for high-quality, detailed results.
  • Versatile compatibility with crystal, glass, and acrylic materials.
  • Customizable power settings (5W, 10W, and 15W) to suit different engraving needs.

Elevate your creations with the 3D Crystal UV Laser Marking Machine, designed to bring your ideas to life with unmatched detail and emotional impact. Whether for special gifts or corporate awards, this machine ensures your designs stand out with professional-grade results.

3D crystal UV Laser Marking Machine Photo

Unlock the Magic of 3D Laser Engraving with the UV Crystal Engraving Machine

Imagine a world where you can capture memories, emotions, and stories inside crystal. With our 3D UV Crystal Laser Engraving Machine, that world is now within your reach.

🌟 What Makes This Machine Special?

  • Precision & Detail: Powered by ultraviolet (UV) laser technology, every engraving is a masterpiece of sharp detail. The short wavelength creates stunningly crisp textures, making your designs appear to float inside the crystal.
  • 3D Magic: Go beyond flat engravings. With 3D capabilities, create multi-dimensional masterpieces that provide depth and realism. Whether it’s a portrait, a logo, or a custom design, the visual impact will leave you speechless.
  • Versatile Materials: Perfect for crystal, glass, and acrylic, this machine offers endless possibilities for personalized gifts, awards, trophies, and decorative art.

🚀 Why Choose Our 3D UV Laser Engraving Machine?

  • Emotional Impact: Nothing compares to a personalized gift engraved inside crystal. Its emotional value makes it perfect for any occasion—weddings, anniversaries, corporate awards, or personal keepsakes.
  • High-Quality Results: Expect exceptional clarity, depth, and precision. With minimal heat distortion, your designs will be flawless, ensuring that your creations are as beautiful as the memories they hold.

💡 Power Options for Every Need

Available in 5W, 10W, and 15W power settings, this machine is designed for different engraving needs:

  • 5W: Ideal for delicate, fine engravings on glass and softer materials.
  • 10W: A versatile option that works well with both crystal and glass.
  • 15W: Perfect for deeper, more detailed engravings in crystal, providing enhanced depth and contrast.

🏆 Perfect For:

  • Personalized Gifts 🎁
  • Corporate Awards 🏅
  • Memorial Pieces 💖
  • Custom Art & Décor 🖼️

Create Unforgettable Moments

This is more than just a machine; it’s a tool that allows you to create lasting impressions. Bring your vision to life, share your story, and leave people in awe. With the 3D UV Crystal Laser Engraving Machine, you’re not just engraving—you’re creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Don’t just give a gift—give an experience. Transform your vision into a timeless masterpiece.

Unlock the Power of 3D Laser Crystal Engraving

The 3D Laser Crystal Engraving Machine allows you to etch stunning 2D or 3D photos or designs inside cubes, glass, crystals, acrylic, and other hard transparent plastics. Transform ordinary materials into extraordinary works of art with unmatched precision and detail!

Industries That Can Benefit 🌟

This powerful tool isn’t just for hobbyists—it’s perfect for businesses looking to add personalized touches or eye-catching designs. Applicable industries include:

  • Hotels – Unique, personalized décor and gifts
  • Garment Shops – Custom logos and display pieces
  • Building Material Shops – Engraved samples and designs
  • Manufacturing Plants – Custom product branding and prototyping
  • Machinery Repair Shops – Detailed part engravings
  • Food & Beverage Factories – Custom branding on glassware and more
  • Farms – Custom farm equipment or signs
  • Restaurants – Engraved glassware, gifts, and décor
  • Home Use – Personalized keepsakes and décor
  • Retail – Custom products for customers
  • Food Shops – Custom packaging and gifts
  • Printing Shops – Creative engravings for promotional items
  • Construction Works – Detailed engravings on building materials
  • Energy & Mining – Industrial engravings for parts and equipment
  • Advertising Companies – Unique promotional items and branding solutions

With our 3D Laser Crystal Engraving Machine, you’re not just engraving materials—you’re creating emotional connections and lasting impressions. 🌟

Features of 3D Subsurface Laser Crystal Engraver Machine

  1. The 3D laser subsurface engraving machine can engrave on both 2D and 3D (depends on your design).
  2. The control system is easy to operate, integrated automatic center function, operator is easy to put the crystal.
  3. Good beam quality, high stability, exquisite etching point effect.
  4. Air-cooling semiconductor laser type, high end pumped solid state laser technology is adopted.
  5. The 3D subsurface laser engraver supports multiple data formats of DXF, CAD, BMP, JPG with good compatibility.
  6. The 3D laser internal engraver is also nice for large format etching up to 300*400*130mm.
  7. The operation is simple: software friendly interface, easy to learn, automatic center function, convenient operation, and personnel placement crystal.
  8. Strong adaptability: It is equipped with shockproof system, effectively prevent to damage the core components.
  9. High frequency: Using high-speed galvanometer scanning method, speed up to 300000 dots/min, save the time.
  10. High stability engraving effect delicate: Using advanced semiconductor side pumped solid state laser technology.
  11. The 3D laser internal engraving machine adopts sealed integration design, good beam quality, high stability, fine engraving effect, low maintenance.
  12. Environmental protection, low noise (no compressor pumps and high power fan), no pollution.

FAQ for a 3D Crystal UV Laser Marking Machine:


1. What is a 3D Crystal UV Laser Marking Machine?

A 3D Crystal UV Laser Marking Machine uses ultraviolet laser technology to precisely engrave on the surface of crystal materials. It is capable of 3D marking inside the crystal, ideal for custom gifts, trophies, and souvenirs.

2. What kind of content can be marked?

The machine can mark text, patterns, QR codes, photos, and more. It supports various image and text formats, including complex 2D or 3D designs.

3. Is the machine difficult to operate?

The operation is relatively simple with an intuitive interface and dedicated software. Users just need to import design files and adjust settings to perform the marking.

4. How is the clarity of 3D marking ensured?

The machine uses high-precision UV laser technology, which allows for precise engraving in small spaces, ensuring clear and sharp details, especially for 3D marking.

5. Can it mark different sizes of crystals?

Yes, the machine supports various sizes of crystals. The working table is adjustable to accommodate different crystal dimensions.

6. What should be considered during the marking process?

  1. Ensure the crystal surface is clean and free from dust or oil.
  2. Adjust the laser power and focus for the best effect.
  3. Avoid strong vibrations or temperature fluctuations that could affect the marking quality.

7. Is maintenance complex?

Maintenance is relatively simple. Regular cleaning of optical lenses and checking the laser head are the main tasks. The machine features a self-diagnosis system to detect and address minor issues.

8. What is the production efficiency like?

The 3D Crystal UV Laser Marking Machine is efficient, able to mark quickly and is suitable for mass production or custom orders.

9. Can the machine be customized based on specific needs?

Yes, we offer customization options for the machine, including adjustments to laser power, work area size, and even custom software support for specific projects.

10. How safe is the laser marking process?

The machine is equipped with advanced safety features, including a laser protective cover and an emergency stop button, ensuring the operator’s safety during use.

Videos of 3D Subsurface Laser Engraving Machine For Crystal & Glass​

Request a Quote for a Mini Fiber Laser Marking Machine

SISMAR LASER has fiber laser machines and other solutions for many industrial applications. Our solutions can serve as an upgrade to your existing laser marking system or an excellent choice for your first laser machine.

Request a quote for a high-quality fiber laser marking machine that exceeds your expectations. You can also schedule a demo to see how fiber laser marking works.

welcome to SISMAR laser. very glad to answer any questions about our fiber laser marking/cutting machines.

Part-Feeding laser marking machine

Fiber Laser Marking Machine with Automatic

Precision Meets Automation: The Future of Plate Marking

Automatic Laser Plate Marker also is called PART-FEEDING SYSTEMS laser marking machine.

This fiber laser marking system is designed for automatically marking on metal tags and plates at least .025″ thick.

Reduce laser marking time and increase productivity with the part-feeding systems. These systems move parts into your marking machine’s marking field with precision, ensuring they are in the right place for marking. Certain feeders can be loaded while other parts are being marked, minimizing the downtime between cycles.

Photos of Automatic Laser Plate Marker

Transform Your Metal Tag Marking Process with Unmatched Efficiency ⚙️

Streamline Production and Boost Productivity with our cutting-edge Fiber Laser Marking System. Specifically engineered for metal tags and plates with a thickness of at least .025″, this system is designed to save time and increase throughput like never before.


1️⃣ How It Works: Seamless Automation 🔄

  1. Load, Mark, Repeat: Simply load a roll label or metal foil onto the indexing table (rotary dial plate), and let the machine do the rest.
  2. Automatic Feeding: The feeding mechanism takes each plate into the lasing chamber for precise marking.
  3. Continuous Operation: Once the marking process is complete, the system automatically collects the roll label or foil back onto the rotary dial, ready for the next part to be marked.


2️⃣ Increase Efficiency & Reduce Downtime 💡

Reduce laser marking time and enhance productivity with our part-feeding systems. These innovative systems precisely position your parts in the marking field, ensuring each part is perfectly placed for marking. Load parts while others are being marked, minimizing downtime and maximizing throughput!


3️⃣ Flexible Software for Every Need 💻

  • Operate the system as a network device or as a stand-alone unit.
  • Receive data from any source, making the system adaptable to your unique requirements.
  • The full-featured plate production software ensures smooth operation every time.


4️⃣ Safety First: Laser-Safe Operation 🛡️

Your safety is our priority. This system includes:

  • A protective cover and enclosure to prevent exposure to harmful laser radiation.
  • A laser-safe window that lets the operator safely view the inside of the chamber while the tags are being marked.


5️⃣ Clean and Safe Work Environment 🌬️

Say goodbye to fumes! The system comes equipped with a fume extractor to efficiently vent any fumes, ensuring a cleaner, safer work area.


6️⃣ Why Choose This System?

  • Maximized productivity with continuous, automated operation.
  • Safe and efficient design with advanced safety features.
  • Versatile software for easy integration into your existing processes.
  • Environmentally-friendly with integrated fume extraction.

🔧 Ready to Take Your Metal Marking to the Next Level?

Upgrade to our Fiber Laser Marking System today and experience precision, speed, and reliability like never before.



Ø Laser parameters

optical maser


Laser wavelength


Average output power


Whether or not to bring the light isolation


Modulation frequency range


Ø Galvo parameters

Maximum speed




Repositioning precision


Ø Optical output characteristics


Marking area


Minimum line width


Minimum height of characters


Ø Cooling system

Cooling way

Air cooling

Ø System properties

Laser power supply

0.5KW/AC220V/50Hz~60Hz (optional 110V)

Environmental requirements

0 ~ 35 ° C, 90% or humidity

The Power of the Automatic Scroll Device for Laser Marking Machines 🔄

The automatic scroll device of the laser marking machine is a game-changer for industries looking to ramp up their metal tag and plate production. Whether you’re looking for continuous production, mass production, or integration with automated systems, this device is built to boost efficiency and cut costs in your manufacturing process.

1️⃣ Continuous Production of Metal Tags & Plates 🔧

With the automatic scroll device, your production line can seamlessly feed metal tags or plates into the marking area without any interruptions. This leads to a more efficient and continuous production process, reducing idle time and keeping your machine running at full capacity.

2️⃣ Large-Scale Production Made Easy 📈

For those needing to produce metal tags and plates in large quantities, the automatic scroll device is the perfect solution. It allows you to automate the entire production cycle, making it easier to scale operations and achieve mass production without sacrificing precision or quality.

3️⃣ Integration with Automated Production Lines 🤖

Take your production to the next level by integrating the automatic scroll device with your existing automated assembly lines or production lines. This integration creates a fully automated production environment, allowing for streamlined operations and higher throughput.

4️⃣ Save on Labor Costs 💸

The automatic scroll device minimizes the need for manual intervention, effectively reducing labor costs while ensuring consistent production quality. It’s a smart, cost-effective choice for companies looking to boost profitability and efficiency.

5️⃣ Ideal for a Variety of Industrial Applications 🌍

The automatic scroll device is versatile and suitable for various industrial and production environments that demand:

  • Continuous operation
  • High-volume production
  • Automated integration

Why Choose the Automatic Scroll Device?

  • Maximized efficiency with continuous feeding.
  • Higher production capacity for large-scale runs.
  • Seamless integration with automated production systems.
  • Reduced labor costs and improved consistency.

🔧 Ready to Supercharge Your Production Process?

Implement the automatic scroll device with your laser marking machine today and experience the future of efficient, large-scale production.

Automatic Laser Plate Marker FAQ 🤖

1️⃣ What is an Automatic Laser Plate Marker?

An Automatic Laser Plate Marker is a cutting-edge machine designed to mark or engrave metal plates and tags with high precision. It automates the marking process, allowing continuous, high-speed production with minimal manual intervention.

2️⃣ What materials can be marked with this system?

The Automatic Laser Plate Marker is primarily used for marking metal plates and tags. It is ideal for metals like stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and copper, providing clear and durable marks that last.

3️⃣ How does the automatic feeding system work?

The system features an automatic scroll device that feeds metal plates into the marking chamber automatically. This continuous feeding process ensures minimal downtime and increased production efficiency by keeping the machine running without manual intervention.

4️⃣ Can the system be integrated with other production lines?

Yes! The Automatic Laser Plate Marker can be seamlessly integrated with existing automated assembly lines or other production systems, enabling full automation and enhanced efficiency in high-volume production environments.

5️⃣ What type of marking does the laser produce?

The laser marking process can produce text, serial numbers, logos, barcodes, and QR codes on the metal plates. The marks are highly precise, durable, and resistant to wear, ensuring that they remain legible over time.

6️⃣ Is the system easy to operate?

Yes! The automatic laser plate marker is designed for user-friendly operation, featuring intuitive software and easy-to-use controls. Once set up, it requires minimal supervision and can run continuously with minimal intervention.

7️⃣ How do I ensure safety while using the laser marker?

The system comes equipped with safety enclosures and protective covers to prevent exposure to laser radiation. Laser-safe windows allow operators to monitor the process without compromising safety. Additionally, there are emergency stop features for added security.

8️⃣ What is the production capacity of the system?

The production capacity depends on the size of the plates and the marking complexity. However, the automatic feeding system allows for high-volume production, handling large batches efficiently with consistent quality and minimal downtime between cycles.

9️⃣ How does the system handle fume extraction?

The system is equipped with an integrated fume extractor to remove any fumes or particles produced during the marking process, ensuring a cleaner and safer work environment.

🔟 What industries can benefit from the Automatic Laser Plate Marker?

This system is ideal for industries such as:

  • Automotive (for marking parts and components)
  • Aerospace (for precise part identification)
  • Manufacturing (for continuous production of metal tags and plates)
  • Electronics (for marking serial numbers or barcodes)
  • Medical Devices (for product traceability and compliance)

💡 Need More Information?

Feel free to reach out for any additional questions or to schedule a demo of the Automatic Laser Plate Marker!

Laser Marking Video

Request a Quote for a Fiber Laser Marking Machine

SISMAR LASER has fiber laser machines and other solutions for many industrial applications. Our solutions can serve as an upgrade to your existing laser marking system or an excellent choice for your first laser machine.

Request a quote for a high-quality fiber laser marking machine that exceeds your expectations. You can also schedule a demo to see how fiber laser marking works.

welcome to SISMAR laser. very glad to answer any questions about our fiber laser marking/cutting machines.

Large format Laser Marking Machine

Large format Laser Marking Machine

  1. Machine sizes can be customized according to product requirements, ranging from dimensions like 600*500mm to 1300*2500mm, and so on.

  2. The Intelligent Continuous Laser Processing System features a follow-up marking function, allowing marking while in operation. This addresses the issue of seam-related problems that were previously unrepairable.

  3. The system can accommodate various laser sources, including fiber, CO2, and UV laser sources.

  4. Suitable for processing materials such as metal, steel, glass, mirrors, acrylic, wood, paper, and more.

Machine Photos of Large format Laser Marking Machine
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Laser Marking Video